The best thing at any circus is the elephants, they are amazing animals seriously really awesome you can ride them n they do tricks and they can spray you , and you can shake thier paws too , its really interesting to watch them when they are putting on the show. They are just neat but watch out when they yell because they wills hurt your ears.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
What I look for in a friend
The qualities I look for in my friends, is being nice, friendly, getting to know new people and not just closing the group with a few certain people, kindness understanding awesomeness and you hasta wanna has fun jus not be bored alla times ands you hasta be there i needa be able to trust you and have you trust me in return I think its important to have the same interests and maybe some of the same friends. You never know when you might find a friend. I try to be there for my friends, and be honest kind and willing to help them also im a good listener and a secret keeper so I has lotsa secrets people just kinna trust me with that. I like to have fun and cheer them up when they are sads
Three Wishes
If I could pick any three wishes it would be definatly to get rida the bad feelings and hurt and so noone would have to experience that because it sucks. My second wish would be to make sure theres no hunger and sickness together because people shouldnt have to live like that either. My list wish would jus be simple Id want everyone to just be happy, and have everything in the world they could ever want. If you don't have to want anything you wouldnt have to have wishes.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Mine Brothers
I has two brothers n technically they is both olders, ones mine twinny even thoughs we dont looks alike, hes still a minute older then me n sometimes he acts like it too. Mine Brothers is the best in the world, they protect me , talk for me and are mine best friends, I can count on them to do anythings for me, they make me smile, and laugh , and we are pretty much always togethers. Even when they grow up I think we are gonna be good friends, Sometimes we fight but not very often mostly we jus slap each other n moves ons. We has suma the same classes at school , so thats fun too cept they tend to get me in trouble somes. Im totally innocent on mine own .. Even though sometimes dey drive me crazy I wouldnt trade thems for the world. and I wouldnt ask for any others acuz jeeze two is a handfull enough. I dont want any sisters either.. girls can be evils .
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Summer Plans
The Best part of Summer is gonna be camp, an rfl I love both these events. This summer we are gonna go on vacations too. I plans on playin wif mine friends, bein wif family, and having fun. water fights and runnin through the sprinkler. I thinks that Im gonna jus has fun, and be a kids , and Im also gonna do mommys summer programs i think acuz i get bored easy . I need some easy entertainment and stuff so im prolly gonna pick on mine bruthers too.
If you could spend an afternoon with one member of your extended family, who would it be? Tell why you chose this person and tell what you do together."
I love alla mine extended family and so its hard to jus pick one person, I love bein with alla them . I think its fun to just hang out n listen to them talk acuz you can learn lotsa new stuff by just listening to adults talks sometimes.I think its fun to hang out n shop too . But mine favorite thing to do with mine extended family is to ask em questions that make them die laughing on mic and so they cant answer them Its funny when they dunno how to answer, N since im so quiet mosta the time they never expects when i gonna pick out sumfin they say and ask questions bout it.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Imagine you had a hundred dollars, but you couldn't keep it. You had to give it away to a person or charity. Who would you give it to? What would you want them to do with it?"
Iffins I had a hundred to give to a charity it would be one that helps kids . I would hope that they would do with it what they want to help those kids have a shelter and some food, or something they can call there owns.Like that one they doin the family fair for I think thats an awesome charity for it, because it helps foster /abused kids gets stuff that belongs to them.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
What advice would you give someone who stole and felt bad.
Stealing is wrong. So the best advice to give them is to tell a adult they trust or maybe them parents, and tell them to take it back if they hasnt used it already , or to be honest about it even if it means telling the store that you stole acuz it makes a honest person outta you n honesty is bests. Iffins you don't tells sumone then the best thing you can do is make it right maybe earning money to pay for whatever you stole, and then giving it to them later.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
What the world needs now
I think the world needs more of the Pay it Forward experiences, Yanno where each person helps three other people just because , Its an awesome idea n every person in the whole world did it , then every other person in the world did it , it would eventually mean the end to all the wars n stuff, but youd have to stick to it, really its all about love and caring, and being nice, and helpful. the world doesn't have enough of that as it is. So Smile and the whole world smiles with you, Is a good motto to live by smiles are infectious and you will spread happyness.
My Favorite Book and Why
17 things im not allowed to do anymore is my favorite book this week. It has crazy ideas, of a girl that just isnt a normal kid, she has crazy ideas, like stapling her brothers hair to the pillow, and gluing shoes, and doin reports on beavers, and other cool crazy ideas. It is a funny book. I like all books though really but this one n any of dr suess books are my favorite.
If I could be any animal in the jungle I would be
A lion , Like Simba in lion king, they rule the jungle and everyone is thier friend acuz they are afraid not to be, and a lion has a big rawr but is really very not mean and loud, and they have sneaking abilities and they grow up to be strong and proud. I think lions rock.
Monday, April 11, 2011
If sumone cuts in fronta people in the lines for the movies
Thats jus mean , and not necessary I think that everyone should take turns because its rude if you dont and follow the line because everyone wants to get in to see the movie jus acuz you skip a couple spots doesnt mean your any better then anyone or that you get into it faster then everyone else most likely will get in there at the same time or close to it.
Friday, April 1, 2011
When Someone Picks on Someone else... How do you feel n what should you do
When someone is picking on someone else, Its hard to watch, so You can tell them to stop and to shutup ands then mine parents would kill me if I didnt put in that your posta tells an adult acuz when mine bruthers hit me they say dunt hit back jus tells an adult so im assumin you tells an adult if sumone is pickin on dem too, sometimes you can step in and pick on the person thats not being picked on, but theres a huge difference between fun picking and mean picking .. and sometimes its a really close line
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
What would happen if there was no rules
If there was no rules, then there wouldnt be any crime, or any punishment or even any order. People would prolly just go crazy doing what they wanted. There would be alot of accidents though, because people couldnt drive or anything. You would have a million people doing a million different things all at once there wouldnt be schools or daycares, and you could just hurt anyone you wanted to , it would be like totally chaotic and wild. Noone would ever have to eat vegetables though so thats a plus to havin no rules, and you could totally get away with everything. So maybe theres a couple pluses there .
Friday, March 18, 2011
If you could give a gift what would it be and to who
Monday, March 14, 2011
What Advice id give new kids...
Hmmmm thinks about this one... Dont worry the lag goes away in a few days, Dont ask dumb questions if a notice jus went out about it , read the notice it usually contains everything you need to know. Have fun school isnt all about working.. Jus cuz im the principals kid dusnt mean that i have the answers or I am a cookie cutter kid that never does wrong I have bad days too. So dont assume that im always be nice . K thnx.. Oh an say what you feel n stuff acus its important . Don't whine much
Friday, March 11, 2011
What is Something that Makes you really angry ... and what is something that makes you really content n happy ...
Sumfin dat makes me really angry is ummmmm ionno sumtimes stuff makes me angry n sumatimes it doesnt... but what makes me really happy n content is mine family . They is always there whens i need em an they makes me feel special alla the time. I think what really makes me angry is when people trys to hurt mine family or those i cares about acuz thats wrong and I kick ask for it .
Friday, March 4, 2011
What would you do if a bully was bothering you? Who would you tell and what would you say?"
"What would you do if a bully was bothering you? Who would you tell and what would you say?"
Iffin I hada bully prollem I woulds tells mine parents or mine teachers because its not cool for people to bully however there is lotsa ways you can be bullied. It isnt always about being mean so for me what i say would be dependin on the type of bullying acuz if i was bein hit, i would say it , if i was bein made fun of id say that its totally hurtful to be bullied by words and it happens way to much even without people knowin it..
Iffin I hada bully prollem I woulds tells mine parents or mine teachers because its not cool for people to bully however there is lotsa ways you can be bullied. It isnt always about being mean so for me what i say would be dependin on the type of bullying acuz if i was bein hit, i would say it , if i was bein made fun of id say that its totally hurtful to be bullied by words and it happens way to much even without people knowin it..
Monday, February 28, 2011
~"What would happen if you loved your neighbor as yourself? What if everyone did?"
If everyone loved thier neighbor like themselves the world would be peaceful, there wouldnt be any fighting or crimes because you wouldnt wanna hurt people, and have them upset. Noone likes being upset so it would lead to a real peaceful living environment. There wouldnt be war ,because alla the countries would get along.. and there wouldn't be hate because why do it. Seriously if everyone did it it would be awesome.
Ifs jus I did it .. maybe it would start a trend.. like the pay it forward movement yanno nice things for other people. That was a awesome idea, and maybe noone but people around me would notice, but it doesnt matter who notices as long as I know it, an can lead by example.
Ifs jus I did it .. maybe it would start a trend.. like the pay it forward movement yanno nice things for other people. That was a awesome idea, and maybe noone but people around me would notice, but it doesnt matter who notices as long as I know it, an can lead by example.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
What is something you dislike about yourself? How can you change it or change your perception so you like that part of yourself?"
Theres alot of stuff, that I don't like about myself.. and how to change the thinking of that isn't easy I mean who wants to actually sit down n figure out whats wrong with them and how to fix it. I hate the fact that I cant express mine feelings that well, I hate the fact that im quiet when everyone else is loud, I hate that feelings don't come easy .. and I dunno how to fix it its not jus as easy as being louder when im quieter... or talking about feelings when I have em .. i think its jus a part of life to hate sumthin about yourself. One of the lines in onna mine favorite songs says " your so mean when you talk about yourself" change the voices in your head so they are wrong" its really hard to change, though. I thinks that its jus a matter of reminding yourself everyone has flaws not jus you.
Monday, February 21, 2011
What would happen If people never cooperated ..
I thinks if everyone didnt cooperate everything would be chaos, noone would follow rules. You couldn't drive or walk or talk. The whole world would prolly be in prison or something because you have to cooperate to do anything. Classes would be horrible because you couldnt even do anything. It wouldn't be a very fun place to live at all. People would have hurt feelings all the time. and people would fight alot, making it hard to even live I thinks. What do i think cooperation means, I think it means working together to co exist following rules, and helping each other.
Friday, February 18, 2011
When talking with other people, I show respect by .
When talkin with other people, I show respect by listening to what they have to say and not interupting them, showing them I care by looking at them in the eye even though I realllly really hates lookin people in the eye. You also show respect by hearing what they say not jus nodding and agreeing or sumthing. You let them talk, and take turns when answering them. Makes sures you payin attention iffins they ask you a question. Really really take what they say to heart
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
My Family Loves me because...
"I know _Mine Family ___ loves me because .., They are the best groups of people you can ever know. They always know how to make you feel better when your sad or upset. They can make you laugh. There is always someone to hang around. They always makes me feels special. You jus knows when your loved and Mine family loves me acuz they do! I loves them too though wif alla mine heart. I know everyone says they has the best family but I do!
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